
Tuesday, May 22, 2018

8:30 Registration
9:50-9:55 Opening remark
Masato Tanaka
9:55-12:00 Session 1Chair: Kate Schroder, Takashi Suda
9:55-10:20 Speaker 1, Kate Schroder, The University of Queensland
"Inflammasome-mediated cell death programs in myeloid cells"
10:20-10:45 Speaker 2, Shin Yonehara, Kyoto University
"RIPK3 shows a number of biological activities regulated by caspase-8"
10:45-11:10 Speaker 3, James Vince, The Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research
"Activation of mitochondrial apoptotic signaling to trigger inflammation"
11:10-11:35 Speaker 4, Takashi Shichita, Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Medical Science
"Sterile inflammation in ischemic stroke"
11:35-12:00 Speaker 5, Takashi Suda, Kanazawa University
"Switches between apoptosis and pyroptosis in macrophages and cancer cells"
12:00-13:20 Lunch
13:20-15:00 Session 2Chair: Misty Jenkins, Koji Yasutomo
13:20-13:45 Speaker 1, Misty Jenkins, The Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research
"Investigating serial killers: The role of phosphatidylserine exposure on effector CD8+ T cells"
13:45-14:10 Speaker 2, Minoru Tanaka, National Center for Global Health and Medicine
"Cell death and regeneration in liver diseases"
14:10-14:35 Speaker 3, Koji Yasutomo, Tokushima University
"Dysregulated cell death in inherited inflammatory disorders"
14:35-15:00 Speaker 4, Masato Tanaka, Tokyo University of Pharmacy and Life Sciences
"The role of immunoregulatory monocytes in the recovery phase of tissue injury"
15:00-15:20 Coffee break
15:20-16:00 Plenary Lecture 1 Chair: John Silke

Shigekazu Nagata, Osaka University
"Phosphatidylserine-dependent efferocytosis"
16:00-16:40 Plenary Lecture 2 Chair: Masato Tanaka

Andreas Strasser, The Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research and Melbourne University
"What is the role of cell death in animal development?"
17:00-18:00 Poster session 1 (odd number presentation)
18:00-19:00 Poster session 2 (even number presentation)

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

9:00-10:40 Session 3Chair: Grant Dewson, Mikiko Sodeoka
9:00-9:25 Speaker 1, Sharad Kumar, University of South Australia
"Regulation of autophagy-dependent cell death"
9:25-9:50 Speaker 2, Shigeomi Shimizu, Tokyo Medical and Dental University
"Molecular mechanisms and physiological roles of Atg5-independent autophagy"
9:50-10:15 Speaker 3, Grant Dewson, The Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research and University of Melbourne
"Characterising novel mediators of intrinsic apoptosis"
10:15-10:40 Speaker 4, Mikiko Sodeoka, RIKEN
"New chemical method for identification of target proteins/binding sites of bioactive molecules: Its potential application to cell death research"
10:40-11:00 Coffee break
11:00-12:40 Session 4Chair: Elizabeth Hartland, Sho Yamasaki
11:00-11:25 Speaker 1, Elizabeth Hartland, Hudson Institute of Medical Research and Monash University
"Pathogen blockade of cell death signalling"
11:25-11:50 Speaker 2, Junken Aoki, Tohoku University
"DHA-containing LPA is produced upon myocardial infraction and activates vagal nerve via LPA3 receptor to protect heart from ischemic damage"
11:50-12:15 Speaker 3, Hiroyasu Nakano, Toho University
"Development of a novel FRET biosensor that monitors necroptosis"
12:15-12:40 Speaker 4, Sho Yamasaki, Osaka University
"Sensing tissue damage through C-type lectin receptors"
12:40-13:50 Lunch
13:50-15:55 Session 5Chair: Peter Czabotar, Yoshifumi Yamaguchi
13:50-14:15 Speaker 1, Peter Czabotar, The Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research and University of Melbourne
"Conversion of Bax and Bak from Inert Monomers to Oligomeric Killers"
14:15-14:40 Speaker 2, Masaki Ohmuraya, Hyogo College of Medicine
"Cell death in pancreatitis"
14:40-15:05 Speaker 3, James Murphy, The Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research
"The Walking Dead: how the zombie protein, MLKL, is activated to cause necroptotic cell death"
15:05-15:30 Speaker 4, Yoshitaka Shirasaki, The University of Tokyo, JST PRESTO, IMS-RCAI
"Live Cell Imaging for Secretion activity (LCI-S) to visualize ″dying code″ production and response "
15:30-15:55 Speaker 5, Yoshifumi Yamaguchi, Hokkaido University
"Elucidating the roles and regulation of cell death in mammalian development and physiology"
15:55-16:15 Coffee break
16:15-16:55 Plenary Lecture 3Chair: Sharad Kumar

Masayuki Miura, The University of Tokyo
"Nutritional control of tissue damage and repair"
16:55-17:35 Plenary Lecture 4Chair: Hiroyasu Nakano

John Silke, The Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research and La Trobe University
"The role of apoptosis, necroptosis and microbiota in skin inflammatory responses"
17:35-17:40 Closing remark
John Silke
18:00-20:00 Farewell party at "ABREUVOIR"
